
September 24, 2014

Top 5 Workplace Canteens

Socialising & dining area for staff As a place for not only dining but also socialising and getting away from the desk, canteen furniture has evolved and become a place where informal work meetings and social networking can take place.…
September 16, 2014

Five Considerations for Sixth Form Common Room Design

A sixth form common room is an area within a school or college where students can relax, eat and study in a quiet area away from the main classrooms and busy corridors.
September 15, 2014

Vinyl Cleaning and Maintenance

Modular Cube and Sofa vinyl cleaning and maintenance. Spectrum vinyl is coated with Prefix® protected finish designed to be cleaned easily, over and over without showing signs of wear. With Prefixx® protection it is possible to remove stains that could…
September 4, 2014
Space planning the gap between office desks

Minimum Office Desk Distance Requirements in UK

A simple guide to office desk space requirements and distance between office desks when planning interior furniture layouts for three specific commercial spaces:

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